Antonio Miguel Nogués Pedregal

Acaba de salir publicado el artículo «Three Epistemological Approaches to the Study of Tourism in Spanish Social Anthropology» en el monográfico sobre antropología en España que ha publicado Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie Dritte Folge 9 (2014) (Universität Bamberg // Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh)

Abstract: When space is claimed, we call it ‘territory’. Territory always belongs to somebody: to an ethnic group, to a squatters’ collective, to a youth gang, or, in the final extreme, to that unit of production and administrative management of reality known as the State. When territory is transformed by human beings into an object of desire, whether for aesthetic pleasure or for physical occupation, in the form of terraced farmland or for tourist accommodations, we call it ‘landscape’. Landscape is therefore, above all else, the result of human purpose sculpted with the material dreams are made of: desire. Nowadays, the complex set of socio-technological devices that facilitate the transport, lodging, and entertainment of certain social groups far from their daily routine and also the various processes and practices induced by these mechanisms – something which, for the sake of brevity, we call ‘tourism’ – are among the main inciters of desire, desire for landscapes and for times in which to enjoy them. My hope is that this article will contribute to a better understanding of all this.